It is my first EDCI course, and it is a very interesting course. At the beginning of the course, we received course materials and shared our discussion #1 in bright space, and we transferred to WordPress. I have a better understanding of open learning during the course. Here are some of my learning outcomes:
Learning outcome #1
- Describe the potential of human-centered learning in distributed and open learning contexts
I mentioned a bit of the potential of human-centered learning in distributed and open learning contexts. Before the pandemic, I never attend any online courses.
However, students are forced to attend online courses during the COVID-19. The distributed and learning environment plays an important role during this one and half years. The potential of human-centered learning is students can access the course more flexibly. I believed it was more humanized that students can access the course anytime, anywhere.
Here are the screenshots of our gourd’s pitch. We describe that distributed learning environment is more suitable for our persona by accessing and timing. I believed it is also the potential of human-centered learning in distributed and open learning contexts.
2. Explore and engage with current literature on the distributed and open education movement
In my topic 3 discussion, I mentioned that high textbooks fee may affect students’ motivation. Also, I asked will the textbook be canceled in the future after complete the readings. I believed some textbooks are not necessary, such as for elective courses, and the course just covers few chapters. OERs provides online and free resources for students, which helps them alleviate financial barriers.
This is Allen zhu replied to my discussion. He provides the idea of textbooks’ condition in the future. I agreed with him that textbooks will be used and at a lower price.
The course helps me understand the four-part test a lot. I created Worldpress, which is the new site and open for the EDCI group. There is a list of students’ blogs, and I can leave comments for anyone. Also, our blogs are public to everyone, there is a URL of blogs.
Moreover, I do some research to explore distributed learning is beneficial in lone-term learning during the pod project. Son (2012) stated that when multiple things are to be learned—the case in almost any educational setting, formal or informal—interleaving seems to be beneficial to long-term learning.
3. Critically reflect on and articulate concepts around modality, pedagogy, and access, including distributed and open learning theory, online and open learning history, privacy laws, online learning communities, open research, and open data.
In the topic 1 discussion, I mentioned a lot about privacy. I always shared personal information in different applications (Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, etc.). I had thought about how big companies manage their consumers’ personal information. I got a lot of fraudulent calls, and they knew my personal information. I cleaned my personal information of some applications after completing readings of topic 1 because I still want to keep some personal life.
Moreover, Uvic students are required to use bright space. Every time when I access bright space, I am asked to fill in the password again because the website only helps to remember the password for 8 hours. I believed it is a way that the educational tool helps users’ privacy of personal information.
Here are the screenshots of our Mattermost group and pod group zoom’s meeting. The Mattermost group provides us an opportunity to become a part of the open learning environment. We had three meetings and discussed the pod project. Open learning is more flexible for students to schedule their time. It is interesting and amazing to work as a group, we shared our thoughts and gather them.
4.Examine and reflect upon the potential for equitable access for all learners in online and open learning contexts.
I mentioned expensive textbooks in the topic 3 discussion. In face-to-face learning environments, students have to use expensive textbooks. Because for some courses, textbooks are required. However, in the open learning environment, students are free and equal to access OERs. More learners engaged in OERs will create the course materials and resources more equitable.
Daniel (2004) refers to open pedagogy as one “that treats the student as an intellectual equal.” I believe open learning is quite equal for students, because open pedagogy believes each students has same ability to access materials.
5.Conduct research into and critically reflect upon emerging and future educational technologies
I had think about future educational technologies in my topic 4 discussion, here is the screenshot:
I discussed that I will use four parts tasks in my future teaching career. I learned that the course could be in different structures, students can enjoy the course and explore more by themselves. Also, I mentioned my experiences in the topic 3 discussion that I had take the TESOL course, which is a distributed course. Those different course structures inspired me that how to make the course more interesting and let the students enjoy and learn at the same time.
Mays, E. (Ed.). (2017). A guide to making open textbooks with students. Rebus Community.
Son, L. K., & Simon, D. A. (2012). Distributed learning: Data, metacognition, and educational implications. Educational Psychology Review, 24(3), 379-399.
Wiley, D. & Hilton, J. (2018). Defining OER-enabled Pedagogy. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 19(4)
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